
Solidarity with Students in Liberation Zones

Solidarity with Students in Liberation Zones

We, the core faculty of the Global Asian Studies Program at the University of Illinois Chicago, stand in solidarity with students representing over 105 campuses who have established encampments to denounce the ongoing…

Faculty News

New Award and Publications for Themal Ellawala

Themal Ellawala, PhD student and is currently teaching GLAS/GWS 263 this semester, just received milestone achievements. Themal published two articles in leading journals on feminism/gender studies. Ellawala, T. I. (accepted). “Revisiting Austerity: Queer…

Research Trip to South India on environs.

Call for Applications: Research Trip to South India

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS! This 3-week research trip will allow undergraduate students to gain some understanding of environmental conservation and food sovereignty grassroots movements in South India. Through visits to a forest preserve (Gurukula…

Laura Hostetler, GLAS Affiliated Faculty

New Publication from Laura Hostetler, GLAS Affiliated Faculty

Congratulations to affliated faculty member Laura Hostetler for the publication of her edited volume entitled, Reimagining the Globe and Cultural Exchange: The East Asian Legacies of Matteo Ricci’s World Map that is part…

Gayatri Reddy

New Publications from Gayatri Reddy, GLAS Affiliated Faculty

Gayatri Reddy has published two pieces: An article in American Anthropologist, the flagship journal of the field, entitled “Our Blood is Becoming White”: Race, Religion, and Siddi Becoming in Hyderabad, India.” Published December…