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Anna Guevarra’s GLAS Course on Filipino American Studies Featured in a WTTW/PBS Segment for Filipino American History Month

Anna Guevarra and her class, GLAS 217: Introduction to Filipino American Studies were highlighted in a WTTW/PBS segment for  Filipino American History Month in the Chicagoland. One of our GLAS students and co-chair of GSAB  is also featured in this story.

Breanna Williams was a freshman at UIC when she looked through the Global Asian Studies course catalog, saw Introduction to Filipino American Studies and expressed interest to program director and professor Anna Guevarra about wanting to take the class.

But at the time, the class wasn’t being taught.

Now a sophomore, Williams is taking the course, which is now offered as a permanent general education class following increased student demand. For Williams, who is Filipino and Black, the lessons are personal.

You can read the full article here.