Juneteenth Demands from the Black Student Union and Black Graduate Student Association | June 8, 2020

This letter addresses the concerns and demands of undergraduate and graduate students and organizations at the University of Illinois at Chicago; related to UIC and the University of Illinois System’s lack of effort and response in light of police violence.

As one of the largest public institutions in the nation serving a majority Black and Brown commuter student demographic located on the Southwest side of Chicago, UIC has a moral obligation and responsibility to respond to the escalating anti-Black violence that has been unfolding in the City of Chicago for several years now, and that has plagued the city since its inception. Furthermore, it has a duty to respond to the broader anti-Black violence and racism ravaging our country, which also specifically afflicts UIC’s Black students and students of color more generally.

Read more here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vS5aNtgjnyFemX1x2EcgplCg26yTnM5BTW9qd84wCJY6KeoHieUKFtu-xPxNz4lStpaBowyV7SeuE-p/pub?urp=gmail_link