
Pre dissertation Summer Grants in China Studies, deadline November 12

ACLS is offering Predissertation-Summer Grants through the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies. Predissertation grants provide funding for graduate students who wish to conduct preliminary preparations in China prior to beginning basic research for the dissertation.…

Critical Language Scholarship Program, deadline 11/15 A program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program offers intensive summer language institutes in thirteen critical foreign languages. The selection…

Asian American Disney Princesses

ASAM Minors and Board members Kim Navoa and Donnie Chang’s project, “Asian American Disney Princesses,” which explored the absence of Asian American figures in popular cultural representations, has caught the attention of numerous media outlets, including the Huffington…

Mary Anne Mohanraj

New Faculty Book: Mary Anne Mohanraj

Mary Anne Mohanraj’s science fiction novella, The Stars Change, has been picked up by Circlet Press, and will be published in October 2013; it’s the story of a South-Asian-colonized university planet, on the eve…

New Faculty Book: Anna Guevarra

Anna Guevarra’s co-edited volume (with Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Maura Toro Morn, and Grace Chang), Immigrant Women Workers in the Neoliberal Age, University of Illinois Press. To date, most research on immigrant women and labor forces…

Kumashiro receives Mid-Career Award

Kevin Kumashiro is the recipient of the prestigious American Education Research Association (AERA) 2013 Division K Mid-Career Award. The Award is designed to recognize a significant program of research on issues in teaching…

Asian Archaeology Visiting Scholar, Fall 2013

The Anthropology Department has a Visiting Scholar in Asian archaeology, Putsadee Rodcharoen, for Fall 2013. The Anthropology Department has a Visiting Scholar in Asian archaeology, Putsadee Rodcharoen, for Fall 2013. Ms. Rodcharoen is…

Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Meeting

Laura Junker, Mitch Hendrickson, and six Ph.D. students will be presenting papers at the 20th Congress of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Meeting in Seam Reap (Angkor Wat), Cambodia. Two professors (Laura Junker and…