2018 – 2024 GSAB Members Search Directory by name Search Button Filter by Categories Prior Board Members Search Results Adique, Ainsley | Undergraduate: Disabilities and Human Development Major and GLAS Minor Altamimi, Abdallah | Undergraduate: History Major and GLAS Minor aaltam4@uic.edu Anighoro, Benedicta | Undergraduate: Applied Psychology Major and GLAS Minor banigh2@uic.edu Belonio, Kai Clane | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and GLAS Minor cbelon2@uic.edu Butt, Shahn | Undergraduate: Anthropology Major and Global Asian Studies Minor sbutt5@uic.edu Carreon, Matthew | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies Major and Art Minor mcarre31@uic.edu Consing, Kait | Undergraduate: Psychology Major, Global Asian Studies and Black Studies Double Minors kconsi4@uic.edu Dela Rosa, Cyril | Undergraduate: Urban Studies Major, and GLAS and Geographic Information Systems Minors cdelar4@uic.edu Dorjbat, Nomuna | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and GLAS Minor ndorjb2@uic.edu Eder, Quentin | Undergraduate: Psychology Major and Global Asian Studies Minor qeder2@uic.edu Encinas, Renae Mijares | Undergraduate: Gender and Women’s Studies Major and GLAS Minor rmijar2@uic.edu Escarez, Jane | Undergraduate: Communication Major, GLAS Minor and Business Administration Minor Evans, Erick | Undergraduate: Anthrolopology Major and GLAS Minor eevans22@uic.edu George, Faith | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Neuroscience Majors fgeorg3@uic.edu Grieder, Isabella | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies Major igrie2@uic.edu Gunniya, Pranav | Undergraduate: Bioengineering Major, and GLAS and Math Minors gunniya2@uic.edu Guo, Michelle | Undergraduate: Anthropology Major and GLAS Minor Johnson, Alanis | Undergraduate: Double Majors in Art History and Sociology and Global Asian Studies Minor ajohn236@uic.edu Kumar, Wasan | Undergraduate: Neuroscience Major and GLAS Minor wkumar2@uic.edu Lewis-Boursaw, Brazil | Undergraduate: Communications Major and GLAS Minor blewis20@uic.edu Liang, Dana | Undergraduate: Computer Science Major and GLAS Minor dliang26@uic.edu Liu, Nancy | Undergraduate: Biochemistry and GLAS Minor nliu25@uic.edu Martinez, Ana | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Anthropology Majors amart288@uic.edu Nath, Mahima | Undergraduate: Computer Science Major, and GLAS and Math Minors mnath3@uic.edu Oberheu, Olivia | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies, History, Political Science Triple Majors ooberh2@uic.edu Oliveros, Michael | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Gender & Women’s Studies Majors solive8@uic.edu Phara, Samuel | Undergraduate: Criminology, Law & Justice Major and GLAS Minor sphara2@uic.edu Razon, Nathaniel | Undergraduate, English Major and GLAS Minor Shah, Lubna | Undergraduate: Biomedical Engineering Major and GLAS Minor sshah296@uic.edu Tan, Gianna Mae | Undergraduate: Nursing Major and GLAS Minor gtan6@uic.edu Trinh, Huong | Undergraduate: Gender and Women’s Studies Major and GLAS Minor htrinh4@uic.edu Vidyarthi, Anandita | Undergraduate: IDEAS Major, and GLAS and Museum & Exhibition Studies Minors avidya3@uic.edu Vongonh, Amy | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and Global Asian Studies Minor avongo2@uic.edu Yim, Jessica | Undergraduate: English Major and GLAS Minor jyim7@uic.edu
2018 – 2024 GSAB Members Search Directory by name Search Button Filter by Categories Prior Board Members Search Results Adique, Ainsley | Undergraduate: Disabilities and Human Development Major and GLAS Minor Altamimi, Abdallah | Undergraduate: History Major and GLAS Minor aaltam4@uic.edu Anighoro, Benedicta | Undergraduate: Applied Psychology Major and GLAS Minor banigh2@uic.edu Belonio, Kai Clane | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and GLAS Minor cbelon2@uic.edu Butt, Shahn | Undergraduate: Anthropology Major and Global Asian Studies Minor sbutt5@uic.edu Carreon, Matthew | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies Major and Art Minor mcarre31@uic.edu Consing, Kait | Undergraduate: Psychology Major, Global Asian Studies and Black Studies Double Minors kconsi4@uic.edu Dela Rosa, Cyril | Undergraduate: Urban Studies Major, and GLAS and Geographic Information Systems Minors cdelar4@uic.edu Dorjbat, Nomuna | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and GLAS Minor ndorjb2@uic.edu Eder, Quentin | Undergraduate: Psychology Major and Global Asian Studies Minor qeder2@uic.edu Encinas, Renae Mijares | Undergraduate: Gender and Women’s Studies Major and GLAS Minor rmijar2@uic.edu Escarez, Jane | Undergraduate: Communication Major, GLAS Minor and Business Administration Minor Evans, Erick | Undergraduate: Anthrolopology Major and GLAS Minor eevans22@uic.edu George, Faith | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Neuroscience Majors fgeorg3@uic.edu Grieder, Isabella | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies Major igrie2@uic.edu Gunniya, Pranav | Undergraduate: Bioengineering Major, and GLAS and Math Minors gunniya2@uic.edu Guo, Michelle | Undergraduate: Anthropology Major and GLAS Minor Johnson, Alanis | Undergraduate: Double Majors in Art History and Sociology and Global Asian Studies Minor ajohn236@uic.edu Kumar, Wasan | Undergraduate: Neuroscience Major and GLAS Minor wkumar2@uic.edu Lewis-Boursaw, Brazil | Undergraduate: Communications Major and GLAS Minor blewis20@uic.edu Liang, Dana | Undergraduate: Computer Science Major and GLAS Minor dliang26@uic.edu Liu, Nancy | Undergraduate: Biochemistry and GLAS Minor nliu25@uic.edu Martinez, Ana | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Anthropology Majors amart288@uic.edu Nath, Mahima | Undergraduate: Computer Science Major, and GLAS and Math Minors mnath3@uic.edu Oberheu, Olivia | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies, History, Political Science Triple Majors ooberh2@uic.edu Oliveros, Michael | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Gender & Women’s Studies Majors solive8@uic.edu Phara, Samuel | Undergraduate: Criminology, Law & Justice Major and GLAS Minor sphara2@uic.edu Razon, Nathaniel | Undergraduate, English Major and GLAS Minor Shah, Lubna | Undergraduate: Biomedical Engineering Major and GLAS Minor sshah296@uic.edu Tan, Gianna Mae | Undergraduate: Nursing Major and GLAS Minor gtan6@uic.edu Trinh, Huong | Undergraduate: Gender and Women’s Studies Major and GLAS Minor htrinh4@uic.edu Vidyarthi, Anandita | Undergraduate: IDEAS Major, and GLAS and Museum & Exhibition Studies Minors avidya3@uic.edu Vongonh, Amy | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and Global Asian Studies Minor avongo2@uic.edu Yim, Jessica | Undergraduate: English Major and GLAS Minor jyim7@uic.edu
Consing, Kait | Undergraduate: Psychology Major, Global Asian Studies and Black Studies Double Minors kconsi4@uic.edu
Dela Rosa, Cyril | Undergraduate: Urban Studies Major, and GLAS and Geographic Information Systems Minors cdelar4@uic.edu
Encinas, Renae Mijares | Undergraduate: Gender and Women’s Studies Major and GLAS Minor rmijar2@uic.edu
Johnson, Alanis | Undergraduate: Double Majors in Art History and Sociology and Global Asian Studies Minor ajohn236@uic.edu
Oberheu, Olivia | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies, History, Political Science Triple Majors ooberh2@uic.edu
Oliveros, Michael | Undergraduate: Global Asian Studies and Gender & Women’s Studies Majors solive8@uic.edu
Vidyarthi, Anandita | Undergraduate: IDEAS Major, and GLAS and Museum & Exhibition Studies Minors avidya3@uic.edu
Vongonh, Amy | Undergraduate: Biological Sciences Major and Global Asian Studies Minor avongo2@uic.edu