
UIC Global Asian Studies

GLAS Celebrates Student Achievements

Kekulalani Keauli’i (double Major in Global Asian Studies and English) and Olivia Oberheu (triple majors in Global Asian Studies, History, and Political Science) are recipients of the 2023-2024 Asian Pacific Islander Association (APIA)…

UIC Global Asian Studies

Job Opening: Two 50% TA positions in GLAS

Teaching Assistant Positions in the Global Asian Studies Program for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Deadline for submission of materials is Wednesday, April 26, 2023. The Global Asian Studies Program (GLAS) seeks applicants…

Dr. Fredy González

Fredy González Receives Fellowship from Japan Foundation

Congratulations to Fredy Gonzalez for  receiving a Japanese Language Training Program fellowship from the Japan Foundation. This fellowship will allow him to participate in a Japanese-language program at the Japanese Language Institute in…

Dr. Nadine Naber

Nadine Naber Recognized with HOPE Award

Congratulations to Nadine Naber for being recognized with the Honoring our Professors Excellence (HOPE) Award from Campus Housing following the nomination of a campus housing student resident. The award recognizes exemplary faculty members…