
Gayatri Reddy

New Publications from Gayatri Reddy, GLAS Affiliated Faculty

Gayatri Reddy has published two pieces: An article in American Anthropologist, the flagship journal of the field, entitled “Our Blood is Becoming White”: Race, Religion, and Siddi Becoming in Hyderabad, India.” Published December…

Ronak Kapadia

New Publication from Ronak Kapadia, GLAS Affiliated Faculty

Ronak Kapadia published “The Downward Redistribution of Breath: Abolitionist Visions of Healing Justice from Chicago” in Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 8.3 ( 2024): 259-284. Abstract: A new generation of visionary…

Foodie Fridays

GLAS Student Advisory Board Launches Foodie Fridays!

GLAS Presents Foodie Fridays.  Share your cultural food, snack, etc. on the GLAS Instagram!  Contribute to the GSAB initiative! Submit your photos and description to or scan the QR code on the…

Decay by Amira Altamimi

Giving Tuesday 2023 Results!

GLAS  raised a total of $1,340 from donations made by faculty, staff, alumni, students, and community leaders. They will be donated to the UIC Arab American Cultural Center. As part of our Giving…

Karen Su

Karen Su Receives 2023-2024 UIC Teaching Recognition Award

Congratulations to Prof. Karen Su for being awarded a 2023-2024 Teaching Recognition Program Award at UIC. This award recognizes a faculty member’s teaching excellence- documented by the impact of their teaching and mentorship…

ARABAMCC Week of Reflection

ARABAMCC Week of Reflection

The Arab American Resource and Cultural Center (ARABAMCC) continues to hold space for reflection this week from October 30 – November 2 from 11am – 3pm  in Taft Hall 101. This space of…

All Out for Palestine

Palestinian Feminist Collective's Digital Action Toolkit

The Core Faculty of the Global Asian Studies Program endorses and shares with you the Palestinian Feminist Collective’s Digital Action Toolkit, which provides over 1500 resources for teaching about Palestine, as well as…