Fall 2019 Courses

Fall 2019 Courses Heading link
Fall 2019 Course Offerings
*GLAS 100: Introduction to Global Asian Studies
(World Cultures)
Mark Chiang
MW 9:30am – 10:45am
CRN 40118
Burnham Hall 308Michael Jin
TR 11:00am – 12:15pm
CRN 40132
Lecture Center 210 -
GLAS 105: Asian and/or Asian American Studies Seminar
(Instructor approval required)
Karen Su
F 11:00am –11:50am, CRN 40127
ETM&SW 2233R 12:30pm – 1:20pm, CRN 40128
ETM&SW 2219F 10:00am – 10:50am, CRN 40130
ETM&SW 2233W 12:00pm – 12:50pm, CRN 40131
Lincoln Hall 305This seminar is part of the Asian American Mentor Program for incoming new first-year and transfer students. For more information on the program, please see
go.uic.edu/AAMP.To join the program and receive permission to enroll in GLAS105, please complete the application form here: go.uic.edu/aampform.
*GLAS 120/SOC 120: Introduction to Asian American Studies
(Individual and Society and US Society)
Lorenzo Perillo
MW 3:00pm – 4:15pm
CRN 40123 & 40124
Taft Hall 208 -
*GLAS/HIST 210: Asian American Histories
(Individual and Society and US Society)
Michael Jin
TR 2:00pm – 3:15pm
CRN 40905
Taft Hall 204 -
GLAS/MOVI/ENGL 229: Introduction to Asian Film
Mark Chiang
MW 4:30pm – 5:45pm
CRN 42048/43802 (MOVI)/
43803 (ENGL)
Academic & Residential Complex
Room 135 -
*GLAS 230: Cultural Politics of Asian American Food
(Individual and Society and US Society)
Anna Guevarra
T 3:30pm – 6:00pm
CRN 40125
Stevenson Hall 220 -
*GLAS/POLS 232: Politics in Korea
*GLAS/HIST 271: Late Imperial China
(Past and World Cultures)
Huiying Chen
MWF 10:00am – 10:50am
CRN 40081 & 40082
BSB 215 -
GLAS 290/GWS 294: Afro-Asian Solidarities: A Radical Feminist History
GLAS/HIST 437, ANTH 436: The Indian Ocean World: Contact, Commerce, Culture
GLAS/GWS 463: Politics of Gender and Sexuality on Asian America
Lorenzo Perillo
MW 6:00pm – 7:15pm
CRN 43310 (undergraduate)
CRN 43311 (graduate)
Taft Hall 215 -
GLAS 495: Independent Study
Various Instructors
CRN 40141 (Chiang, M)
CRN 40142 (Guevarra, A)
CRN 40143 (Jin, M)
CRN 40907 (Martell, M)
CRN 40144 (Naber, N)
CRN 40145 (Perillo, J)
CRN 43730 (Reddy, G)
CRN 40146 (Su, K)