Spring 2022 Courses

Spring 2021 GLAS Courses Heading link
Spring 2022 Course Offerings
*GLAS 100: Introduction to Global Asian Studies
(World Cultures)
Michael Jin
MWF 1:00PM – 1:50PM
CRN 39450
Hybrid | Burnham Hall Rm 308 -
GLAS 105: Asian and/or Asian American Studies Seminar
Mark Martell
T 11:00AM – 11:50AM
CRN 39125
Hybrid | Education, Theater, Music & Social Work Rm 2433R 2:00PM – 2:50PM
CRN 39126
Hybrid | Behavioral Sciences Building Rm 265 -
GLAS/SOC 120: Introduction to Asian American Studies
(Individual and Society)
Instructor TBA
TR 11:00AM – 12:15PM
CRN 39128 & 39129 (GLAS)
CRN 39130 & 39131 (SOC)Hybrid | Taft Hall Rm 208
*GLAS/ENGL 123: Introduction to Asian American Literature
(Creative Arts and World Cultures)
Mark Chiang
MW 3:00PM – 4:15PM
CRN 38904 & 38905 (GLAS)
CRN 35443 & 35444 (ENGL)On Campus | Lincoln Hall Rm 104
GLAS/AH 125: Introduction to the Art and Architecure of Asia
(Creative Arts and US Society)
Catherine Becker
CRN 39919 (GLAS)
CRN 35429 (AH)Online Asynchronous
GLAS/ANTH 207: Asian Cities: Urban Cultures of the Global South
Tarini Bedi
TR 9:30AM – 10:45AM
CRN 42242 (GLAS)
CRN 41618 (ANTH)On Campus | Lincoln Hall Rm 104
GLAS/AH 219: Art and Architecture of East Asia
Catherine Becker
TR 12:30PM – 1:45PM
CRN 43282 (GLAS)
CRN 42820 (AH)On Campus | Lecture Center A5
GLAS/POLS 231: Introduction to Chinese Politics
(World Cultures)
Yue Zhang
TR 2:00PM – 3:15PM
CRN 45251 (POLS)
CRN 42801 (GLAS)On Campus | Behavioral Sciences Building Rm 311
GLAS/ANTH 242: Introduction to Arab American Studies
Nadine Naber
MW 9:30AM – 10:45AM
CRN 44534 (GLAS)
CRN 44537 (ANTH)Hybrid | Taft Hall Rm 204
*GLAS/GWS 263: Asian American Gender and Sexual Diversity
(Individual and Society, and US Society)
Karen Su
R 3:30PM – 6:00PM
CRN 41748 (GLAS)
CRN 33402 (GWS)Hybrid | Taft Hall Rm 207
GLAS/HIST 264: The Pacific Rim in Modern History
Michael Jin
MW 9:30AM – 10:45AM
CRN 41190 (GLAS)
CRN 41189 (HIST)On Campus | Behavioral Sciences Building Rm 215
GLAS/HIST 276: Modern South Asia
Sohini Majumdar
CRN 39461 (GLAS)
CRN 36173 (HIST)Online Asynchronous
GLAS 290: Contesting Refuge: Decolonial Visions in Vietnamese Diaspora
Justin Phan
TR 12:30PM – 1:45PM
CRN 39134 (GLAS)
CRN 34832 (GWS)
CRN 44443 (HIST)Hybrid | Lincoln Hall Rm 107
GLAS 290: Techno-Orientalism
Clare Kim
MW 4:30PM – 5:45PM
CRN 39133 (GLAS)
CRN 36969 (HIST )Hybrid | Taft Hall Rm 204
GLAS 300: Global Asia in Chicago
(Prerequisite: GLAS 100, Instructor Approval Required)
Anna Guevarra
T 3:30PM – 6:00PM
CRN 39136Hybrid | Lincoln Hall Rm 104
GLAS/HIST 473: From Empire to Nation: Cartography and Cultural Exchange: The Asian Legacy of Matteo Ricci’s World Map in Chinese
Laura Hosteller
TR 2:00PM – 3:15PM
CRN 39463 (UG)/39464 (G) (GLAS )
CRN 31132 (UG)/31133 (G) (HIST)
On Campus | Lincoln Hall Rm 107
GLAS 490: Border Regimes
A. Naomi Paik
TR 2:00PM to 3:15PM
CRN 42777 (UG)/43366 (G) (GLAS)
CRN 42260 (UG)/42261 (G) (LALS )
CRN 45221(UG)/45222(G) (CLJ )
Hybrid | Stevenson Hall Rm 220
GLAS 495: Independent Study
(Instructor Consent and Department Approval Required)
Mark Chiang (39137), Fredy Gonzalez (40200), Anna Guevarra (39138), Michael Jin (39139), Clare Kim (44967), Mark Martel (39142), Nadine Naber (39140), A. Naomi Paik (44965), Justin Phan (39141), Karen Su (40201)