GLAS/ANTH 242: Introduction to Arab American Studies
Instructor: Nadine Naber, PhD | Spring 2021
In this assignment, students were asked to choose an issue that impacts Arab American communities and to analyze the problem and solution using 3 frameworks that emerge out of the field of Critical Ethnic Studies.
Sex Attitudes: Arab American Women & Fems Heading link

Essay by by Laila Zayed
The purpose of this research is to understand attitudes about sex among the Arab American women/fems and why Arab American women feel generally negative about sex and intimacy.
This essay will discuss orientalism, western rescue fantasy and Arab racism in the united states in relationship to feeling about sex.
It is imperative that UIC implements a (MENA) category to overcome the problem of invisibility. Heading link

Essay by Sarah Hassan
Not having a racial category to identify with erases the history and struggles of our community, and it makes us unable to advocate for and receive the necessary funding and resources to support our many needs.
UIC Arab and MENA students are made to feel invisible on paper yet hypervisible through experiences and microaggressions.