

UIC Successfully Receives a Fourth AANAPISI Grant

For the fourth time since 2010, the University of Illinois Chicago has received the Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Minority-Serving Institutions program. The…

A. Naomi Paik

Naomi Paik Co-authors Piece on Abolitionist Unionism

Dr. Naomi Paik, together with graduate students at UIUC, with coauthored a piece that has been published in the Journal of Academic Freedom entitled “Toward Abolitionist Unionism: Resisting Pandemics, Police, and Academic Austerity…

Nadine Naber, PhD

Nadine Naber's New Piece on 9/11 on the Chicago Reporter

Here is a piece that Nadine Naber wrote on the Chicago Reporter in response to 9/11.  It also also references the forthcoming UIC IRRPP’s  Arab American Chicagoland Report of which Nadine serves as…

Communities Forces

GLAS Announces Release of Community Forces Podcast

GLAS is pleased to announce the release of the Community Forces podcast featuring UIC student interns working with different local Asian American community organizations. We also hear from the organizational leaders and community…

Nadine Naber, PhD

Nadine Naber Wrote OpEDs in the Chicago Reporter

Nadine Naber wrote OpEDs in the Chicago Reporter. One of the OpEds provides a much needed feminist lens for understanding what is transpiring in Afghanistan as a problem of the US empire .…