India Study Abroad Program 2012

"Labor, Gender, and Food in India" Summer 2012 Study Abroad Program!
May 7-June 9, 2012
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Prof. Anna Guevarra, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies and
Prof. Gayatri Reddy, Associate Professor, Gender & Women’s Studies
How is global capitalism reshaping the social, political, economic, and cultural landscape of urban and rural communities in India specifically in terms of food production, distribution, and consumption? What can a study of food systems in India reveal about gender relations, development, and social justice? This interdisciplinary program will provide an in-depth understanding of these processes through field-based projects and opportunities to learn from scholars, workers, and activists in India. This program introduction will take place in Chicago and New Delhi and continue on to Udaipur, in the desert state of Rajasthan.
Students will take two 3-credit courses for a total of 6 credits:
**ASAM 290: Globalizing labor and Social Justice (3 CREDITS) This course examines the globalization of labor in India as it relates to patterns of migration, formal and informal economies, and state policies affecting workers in various industries. It will examine the consequences of the expansion of neoliberalism on the livelihood of women and men in India. It will also highlight transnational and grassroots organizing being done as workers themselves respond to and challenge the various forms of social inequalities they are facing and their relationship to diasporic communities in the United States and the globe
**GWS 294: Food, Gender, and Social Justice (3 credits) This course explores the journey of food from the field to the table, a process that often involves dimensions of class and gendered labor. To map this journey in India, the course will analyze women’s and men’s roles in the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food. It will also examine how personal food choices affect – and are affected by larger “structures” and processes such as globalization, migration, the environment, and the state.
**Survival Hindi language **1-week in Chicago, 4-weeks in India **Numerous excursions in Delhi and Udaipur **multidisciplinary focus–taught by two UIC faculty
Students must be enrolled at UIC at time of application and completed 12
hours at UIC with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Pre-requisites: ASST/ANTH 279: South Asian Cultures & Society OR consent of instructor.
Program fee is $3750 and includes tuition, housing, most meals, transportation from New Delhi to Udaipur, numerous study tours and local excursions, and orientations. Additional expenses include: airfare, personal expenses and optional travel. Financial Aid may apply. Program is partially subsidized by a grant from the UIC Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Students’ Educational Engagement Initiative, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Scholarships are available for eligible students.
- For the application process, please contact the Study Abroad Office, 312-413-7662, 502 UH,
- For course-related questions, please contact Prof. Anna Guevarra, Asian American Studies AANAPISI Study Abroad Coordinator at