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Asian Studies Archive

Welcome to Asian Studies at UIC! The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers an undergraduate minor in Asian Studies. The minor is an academic option that students may choose if they wish to complement their major field of study with focused knowledge relating to Asia and Asian Diasporas. As such, the program provides not only traditional area studies training, but also emphasizes transnationalism and diaspora as important program foci. Students receive instruction on Asian histories, politics, economies, cultures, and languages, and explore linkages, spatially and temporally, within and across Asian diasporas. They will develop interpretive skills, learn about Asian and Asian Diaspora Studies, and acquire the critical analytic skills called for in advanced work in research and writing.

As a complement to any major, the Minor encourages students to consider Asian Studies from the perspective of other disciplines and professional fields. Minor courses can be taken in tandem with a range of majors, including Anthropology, Art History, Business, English, Foreign Languages, History, and Sociology. New courses about or related to Asian Studies are regularly added to the curriculum at UIC, so please read the Schedule of Classes closely and consult with Professor Gayatri Reddy (, faculty advisor for the minor, to discuss potential requirement substitutions and additional electives.

Gayatri Reddy

Coordinator, Asian Studies
Associate Professor, GWS and Anthropology
Affiliated Faculty, Asian American Studies
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Contact information:
Asian Studies Program
1018 University Hall
Phone: 312-413-5658

$300,000 Gift to Asian Studies! Heading link

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has received a generous donation of $300,000 to create the James and Jamie McNulty Fund, which will go towards the expansion of Asian Studies and offer courses in conversational Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, and Urdu.

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